44 (0)1600 713396 info@pesttrader.com

Solar Panel Clips

These innovative clips are designed specifically to hold our Black PVC- Coated Galvanized Solar Panel Mesh in place in order to keep birds and other wildlife from getting under solar panels, protecting the roof, wiring, and equipment from damage.


Solar panels are being installed on commercial and residential roofs worldwide at an ever-increasing rate. These provide perfect harbourage for birds and other animals. Many home owners are desperate for a solution.

This non-penetrating system is fast and easy to install, and can be removed for service.


  • Patent pending plastic clips are UV stable and won’t scratch panels.
  • Clips bind the mesh to the panels without drilling holes or damaging the system – recommended every 45 centimeters .
  • Discrete solution, especially when coupled with our Black PVC- Coated Galvanized Solar Panel Mesh

Available in:

  • Packs of 100 clips
  • Boxes of 1000 clips

Solar Panel Clips Installation leaflet


Available through professional distributors throughout the UK and Europe.

Please contact us for details of our distributors in your country.