Welcome to Pest Trader
Pest Trader connects the pest management industry suppliers and develops and markets innovative products from around the world for the prevention, monitoring and control of a wide range of pests.
The range includes products for the prevention, monitoring and control of insects, termites, indoor and outdoor urban birds and rodents.
We work in conjunction with Bird Barrier Inc., USA to deliver America’s leading brand of bird management products to Europe.
With pheromones at our core expertise, we can offer a broad range of insect monitoring products and the innovative auto-confusion Tab products from International Pheromone Systems to manage stored product and fabric moths
Our products are available from national professional and trade industry distributors. We do not sell direct to consumers. Please contact us for information regarding our distributors in your country.

Managing Clothes Moths
The adult female clothes moth lays between 100 and 400 eggs and these hatch into a larvae over 4 to 10 days. These then feed on natural fibres for anything up to two and a half years. When the temperature is right and they feel like making an appearance, they spin a...
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